How to Buy High-Quality Warman Pump Parts

When in the market for Warman slurry pump parts, several factors must be taken into consideration, but the most important is weight, the raw materials used in slurry pump construction:

Weight is the most commonly used and simplest way to price slurry pump parts. Casting costs are calculated as follows: For example, a slurry pump volute liner is 200 kg, according to an estimate made from a drawing. If the manufacturer reduces the weight of the A05 impeller to 150 kg, assuming that the price per kg is $6.00, a customer could save $300.00.

When you purchase Warman pump parts, it is important to remember to pay more attention to the weight of a pump than a low price. One of our Russian customers told us that he bought a 6/4 slurry pump, which cost $500.00 less than one of our models. When he received the pump, however, it weighed 200.00 kgs less than one of ours, which resulted in both lower functional life and lower efficiency.

Listed here are some standard high chrome alloy weights for a Warman A05 slurry pump impeller, volute liner, throat bush, and FPL insert:

Slurry pump impeller: B1127NA: 4 kg, B15127NA: 6.3 kg, C2147: 17 kg , D3147NA: 24kg, E4147: 69 kg, F6147: 190 kg, G8147: 373 kg, G10147: 490 kg, GAM14147: 1123 kg.

Slurry pump volute liner: B1110NA: 11.5 kg, B15110NA: 14.1 kg, C2110NA: 36 kg, D3110: 66.5 kg, E4110: 120 kg, F6110: 282 kg, G8110: 375.5 kg, G10110: 611 kg, G12110: 1100 kg, H14110: 1403 kg.

Slurry pump throatbush: E4083: 48.4 kg, F6083: 117.5 kg, G8083: 188 kg, G10083: 250 kg, G12083: 390 kg, H14083: 496 kg.

Slurry pump frame plate liner insert: B1041NA: 3.5 kg, B15041NA: 4.3 kg, C2041: 7 kg, D3041: 17 kg, E4041: 31.6 kg, F6041: 84 kg, G8041: 164 kg, G10041: 221.5 kg, G12041: 370 kg, H14041: 400 kg.

warman slurry pump manufacturers

Raw materials used in slurry pump construction  
The raw materials used to construct a slurry pump include chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), and molybdenum (Mo). Products are coded by element and the percentage present in the allow. An example is high chrome alloy A05(KmTBCr26). Looking at the formula, it indicates that this alloy content should not less than 26% chromium and 5% nickel content. Nickel and chromium are the key metallic elements of the A05. If the chromium present was 20% or contained very little nickel or no nickel at all, then the hardness decrease, as would the price. Though this may sound like a good way to save money, eventually, it is lost in replacements, as it is likely to undergo wear and tear much faster. The standard high chrome alloy hardness should be between 56HRC to 60HRC for the best results.

There is an old saying, “You get what you pay for.” A low price may be appealing, but buyer beware. You may be sacrificing quality for a low price. Do your homework and compare product specs before making a purchase. If you have questions or want a free consultation, contact our team of experts today!